Employee Rescue
When employees decide to leave your organisation, they do so for a great variety of reasons. Whilst some are clearly related to their career plans or their feelings about their job, many of them are not within your control.
A carefully timed telephone call from george naylor associates, showing regret at their decision and listening carefully to their reasons can often reveal the possibility of their not leaving at all! You will have spent thousands of pounds recruiting, training and developing your people to be the best they can be. We have a track record of directly reducing this wastage.
We don't make promises on your behalf, but by being an impartial, external third party, we are able to gather the critical facts surrounding someone's decision to leave.
We present their reasons and any suggestions the employee might have offered, in an easy to read report within minutes of completing the call. (We're always available in person, to discuss the matter and pass on the subtleties of the interview if required). It is ultimately your decision – obviously but in the last few years, we have heard even quite senior managers say:
"My personal circumstances have changed since I resigned, to be honest, I regret resigning now but I don’t know what to do to reverse things"
Rescues are more effective if they precede the exit interview, but for some types of job, even the exit interview stage isn't too late.
Page last updated: 7 Feb 2019, 9:38 a.m.
by being impartial, we are able to gather the critical facts surrounding someone's decision to leave
"I regret resigning now but I don’t know what to do to reverse things"

Career Insight is our online system for surveying, collating and presenting continuous employee opinion data.