Issue Surveying
From time to time our clients require us to very quickly help them establish information that is time critical. There are sometimes events which require a speedy and professional piece of research to be designed and carried out, within days rather than weeks.
One client recently needed to telephone all their 600+ UK store managers over a two day period to check their stock levels on a particularly business critical product, when a computer system went down. We were able to help, delivering a fully graphed and tabulated report at the end of day three.
We strive at all times to be responsive to our clients' crises.
In less stressful situations, businesses often want to study one issue in depth but as a one off, for instance when bringing in a new regulation or a new law is passed by parliament, (working time directive, minimum wages or smoking bans etc).
Page last updated: 7 Feb 2019, 9:38 a.m.
We strive at all times to be responsive to our clients' crises.

Career Insight is our online system for surveying, collating and presenting continuous employee opinion data.