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george naylor associates provide specialist research services to HR departments. We design innovative employee research solutions that help you steer both the improvement of your department and your business.

HR departments are being asked to constantly deal with change, to be more strategic, and to develop business critical competencies amongst employees at all levels. We're here to help.

We are the honest broker of "the way things are".

We don't sell on any products, services or interventions as a result of our work. We are here at your side, and on your side, experts in gathering and making sense of employee feedback, turning research data into usable business information.

Because everything we do is tailor made to your needs, if you are looking to do something which isn't listed, please contact us, and we can discuss your requirements.

Page last updated: 25 Jan 2019, 5:54 p.m.

we are here at your side, and on your side

Career Insight is our online system for surveying, collating and presenting continuous employee opinion data.